Quick Take
As student loans mount, FutureFuel ingeniously offers help so you can crush your student debt and thereby fuel your future. In this FutureFuel review, they exist to help with the student loan crisis using innovative and technologically driven solutions. All this is done through their mobile app that is center around millennials.
Key features
According to FutureFuel, 70% of graduating students begin with debt due to their student loans. With this much of the workforce emerging with so much debt, FutureFuel believes a person’s financial health and wellness can’t be ignored. They off a more holistic approach to compound interest.
Their offerings include:
- Round Up: This allows you to redirect any spare change you have and put it towards paying off your debt.
- Reassess: This helps you discover federal repayment plans you may be eligible for.
- Giveback: Over 450 brands have joined FutureFuel to help pay down a portion of your debt with every purchase you make.
- Refinancing: Compare rates from up to 10 lenders in only a couple minutes.
Is Futurefuel best for you?
With their app, you can check each Federal repayment program within minutes and see how much you could save if you switch. By connecting your student loans to your account, you’ll use this platform to use the tools provided to find ways to manage your debt and how to pay it off quickly. Unlike SoFi and LendKey, FutureFuel is geared toward the tech-savvy millennial. While others may use the app, it’s clear from their marketing that millennials are their target as most current students are within that age bracket.